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Hear from a researcher: Anne Balter “Calculations with impact”

“Calculations That Have an Impact” The retirement landscape is heavily in flux, with ever-new questions in need of answers. Science plays an important role in that, as do young new researchers who approach pension and retirement research with a fresh eye. In this series, we ask them about their motivations and findings. This time, we hear from Dr. Anne Balter (TiU). She calculated that…

The Effects of Nudging on Pension Savings Decisions

“Choices don’t automatically work out” Choice is a vital element in the design of a pension system. This study shows that there is considerable appetite for having options in the accumulation phase. However, people with little retirement savings choose to temporarily suspend their contributions just as often as those with considerable savings. Any choices ultimately offered should therefore be designed responsibly. Even in an…

Do financial incentives stimulate partially disabled persons to return to work?

“Financial incentives improve labour participation of partially disabled persons, but they are not effective for low-income earners” The number of people receiving disability benefits in the Netherlands is increasing. The disability scheme for partially disabled workers (WGA) uses financial incentives to increase labour effort when workers exhaust their first stage benefit in the two-staged disability scheme. Do these financial incentives induce work resumption? Read…

Pension choices: implications of a heterogenous participant population on the pay-out stream

“Participants’ freedom of choice should not lead to undesirable pension pay-out situations” Individuals can influence the drawdown rate of their second-pillar pension assets in various ways. This paper studies how choices offered by Dutch pension funds impact the payout stream. We show that too much freedom of choice could potentially lead to undesirable situations where the participant receives far less pension compared to the…

Changing the industry-wide pension funds: between pension fund board and social partners

“Compulsory pension funds not obliged to implement changes agreed upon by social partners” Two recent examples in Dutch case law illustrate the lack of clarity about who is authorised to implement changes in compulsory industry-wide pension funds: the social partners or the pension fund. Such clarity is needed because pension schemes will have to change with the switch from the current to the new…

Does the general public support lower pension ages for physically demanding jobs?

“Public support for lower public pension age in certain cases, but more measures needed in care and work to reduce the burden on older employees” In the future, older employees will face the double burden of working for longer and providing informal care. This study explored how Dutch citizens view lower public pension ages in certain cases and which factors play a role in…

Educational differences in life expectancy: The contribution of eight risk factors

“A substantial reduction of inequalities in life expectancy requires policy actions on a broad range of health determinants” This study assessed the effect of different risk factors on life expectancy differences between men and women in the Netherlands aged 35 to 80 years with a high or low education. The data were compared with figures for Northwest Europe. Risk factors considered were manual profession…

Improving older workers’ employability until their retirement age

“HR policy aimed at sustainable employability helps ageing people stay in work” For many individuals it is challenging to continue to work until their retirement age. If they can no longer rely on income from work, individuals need to draw on social support schemes or their own means to provide for themselves. Longer working lives may improve ageing people’s financial position. A combination of…

To what extent can partial retirement ensure retirement income adequacy?

“Partial retirement allows to reduce workload and maintain an adequate pension income.” Partial retirement before the state pension age allows people to reduce workload and maintain an adequate pension income at the same time. After a career of full-time work, those who retire part-time instead of full-time are much more likely to attain an income replacement of 70% during partial retirement, and subsequently a…

The self-employed and employees have different ideas when it comes to retirement

“Job characteristics such as flexibility relate to preferences to continue working for longer” Self-employed people on average prefer to continue working two years longer than their salaried counterparts. They are also more often uncertain about their future retirement age. Previous research suggests that this difference could partly be explained by the relatively limited pension savings of the self-employed. This study examines whether job characteristics…

Netspar, Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement, is a thinktank and knowledge network. Netspar is dedicated to promoting a wider understanding of the economic and social implications of pensions, aging and retirement in the Netherlands and Europe.


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