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Publications (3948)
Next-basket prediction in a high-dimensional setting using gated recurrent units
Expert Systems With Applications
DP 08/2024-028
DP 08/2024-028
Towards Accurate Prediction of Healthcare Choices: The INTERSOCIAL Project
The Patient - Patient-Centered Outcomes Research
DP 08/2024-027
DP 08/2024-027
Machine Talk: How Verbal Embodiment in Conversational AI Shapes Consumer–Brand Relationships
Journal of Consumer Research
DP 08/2024-026
DP 08/2024-026
De grijze vlek in het aanvullend pensioen: een vertrouwenscrisis in wording?
DP 06/2024-023
DP 06/2024-023
The political process and phase‐in period of pension reforms
DP 07/2024-022
Sustainability Preferences: The Role of Beliefs
DP 07/2024‐020