New research agenda Netspar NexT and 2019-2023 Action Plan off the ground
Netspar realizes the financing for a new period and launches a challenging research agenda 2019-2023 ‘Netspar NexT’, supported by its partners.
The new program focuses on three themes that influence the old-age provision in the Netherlands: transition to a new pension contract, further development of financial life cycle planning and an exploration of social developments such as longer working hours, the growing number of self-employed workers, solidarity and big data. Approximately EUR 1 million is available annually for new research. An extensive program for knowledge sharing and networking activities is linked to the research agenda.
- View the infographic with the main lines from our research agenda and the 2019-2023 Action Plan.
- Read full research agenda Netspar NexT
- Read the 2019-2023 Action Plan
The research agenda and the work program came about with input from various evaluations from science, NWO and the partners. You can read the various evaluation reports below.
Reading tips
- Overview topicality pension contract: Netspar research on the abolition of the uniform contribution system, discount rates, more personal pension and working longer.
- NWO evaluation report (in Dutch): “Netspar scores excellent”
- Partner evaluation report (executive summary): “Essential contribution to debate is also necessary in the future”
- Interview with partner committee chairman Harman Korte: “Netspar evaluated positively across the board“
- Netspar self evaluation report: “Netspar gradually evolved into a multidisciplinary network”
- Evaluation report scientific council: “With Netspar, the Netherlands is now a bright spot for top pension experts around the world”