Consumers benefit from Uniform Communications and Fiduciary Duty Regulations for Non-state Pension Provisions
The Netspar “Pensions Fiduciary Duty” project group studied ways to improve communications and fiduciary duty for products offered through occupational and personal retirement savings plans. The study’s major findings:
- Retirement communications and advice are one part of a more comprehensive financial planning related to retirement
- Consumers can benefit from uniform communications and fiduciary duty regulations for products offered through occupational and personal retirement savings plans
- The costs and benefits of fiduciary duty need to be considered in any decisions regarding offering more plan options
The project group brought together the expertise of Netspar partners. The team was led by Bas Werker and Arthur van Soest, both affiliated with Tilburg University and Netspar fellows.
Download the “Zorgplicht voor pensioen” report (only in Dutch) under Publications.