IPRA webinar: Procrastination, Retirement Savings, and Annuities
Procrastination, Retirement Savings, and Annuities
IPRA webinar by Professor Jeffrey Brown
Dean of the Gies College of Business, Josef and Margot Lakonishok Professor of Business, Professor of Finance, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Jeffrey Brown has served as the Dean of Gies College of Business since 2015. A professor in the department of Finance, Jeffrey Brown holds a PhD in economics from MIT, a master’s of public policy from Harvard, and a bachelor’s in economics and political science from Miami (OH) University. He joined the Illinois faculty in 2002 after three years as an assistant professor of public policy at Harvard. From 2001-2002, he served as senior economist at the White House Council of Economic Advisers. His research focuses on the interaction of public and private insurance markets.
The webinar details will be provided via email ahead of the talk.
Please note this event will be recorded, and may be used in part or whole in future communications.
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