After Lunch Webinar: Eduard Ponds – “Solidarity buffer and solidarity preferences among participants”
Netspar organizes this After Lunch Webinar for partners and employees of partners. Researchers will outline their latest retirement research and then receive feedback and answer questions. It is just another way we bring science, academics, and professional practice closer together.
In this After Lunch Webinar, Eduard Ponds (Tilburg University) explains more about the research on ‘Solidarity buffer and solidarity preferences among participants’.
This is a Dutch-speaking event. Questions and input on this ongoing research are most welcome.
This research is being conducted in conjunction with Evert Webers (APG).
The solidarity buffer has a prominent place in the solidarity premium scheme. What is the support among participants for the buffer and what are their preferences regarding the volatility and distribution rules?
In this After Lunch Webinar, Eduard Ponds (Tilburg University and APG) discusses the findings of a representative survey of over 2,100 participants of the 38 largest industry pension funds.
While there appears to be a clear majority in favor of buffer design, there is also a large degree of heterogeneity in terms of solidarity preferences and related support for the volatility and distribution rules.
This research is being conducted in conjunction with Evert Webers (APG Research).